You know those moments when you find out a bit of information that changes everything you thought was true? Growing up, we had an old console television that you turned on and off with a pull or push of a button and to turn channels you had to get up and turn a dial to one of four different stations. One of my girlfriend's lived in high style and viewed TV with a remote control and a lot more than four channels. While visiting her one afternoon, she taught me how to use the remote. In my first and only lesson, she firmly instructed me where the volume, channels and power buttons were. She said that it was very important to know that I could push any of the buttons except the sleep button. When I questioned what would happen if I hit the sleep button she informed me that the TV would blow up. Gullible as I was, I put that bit of info in my mind for all future encounters with a remote control. It wasn't until I had my very own 13 inch television
with remote control that I learned the truth about that sleep button. Whoa! What an eye opener! What else had I missed? How long would I have gone on believing this? Was this a joke or did should I be informing her of this new information?
I had another one of those moments this year during a bible study. One of the discussions was on worshiping. When I think of worship, I think of singing and praying, going to church or having a bible study but I was missing out on another kind of worship, one that is far more powerful for me. Using God's Word to worship in truth. It means to worship in Jesus, using God's word and believing it over and over again in the same breath if that's what it takes. When my spirit is exhausted and my heart is just not into worshiping, I can still worship because I always have the truths in my Bible that can give me the peace, energy, courage and joy my soul needs. For me, it means taking God's word and believing it, using it to fight off doubts, depression or temptation. Using it to praise God when my heart just doesn't feel like it. So in light of my new discovery, I'm going to attempt to start Thursday's Truth. I'll post a Bible verse that is on my heart for the week or maybe just one that goes with a fun picture for the day. My hope is that it will speak to at least one of you as much as it speaks to me.
Sophia & Cohen
Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:31&32
You are an amazing woman, Mari Goerlich. - Jen Martin-Rider
What a beautiful post Mari - just what I needed to start the day. I have been working on regaining my positivity and sense of wonder and what a better way to do so than turn to the Bible. Blessed are you - Love Debbie
great post and great verse! i'll be looking forward to this each thursday!
BTW - adorable picture - Love Debbie
Great Post! I love reading your blog! Very cute picture of Sophia and Cohen!
Mari you are SO wonderful! You posted just what I needed to hear! That is a beautiful verse & post! A wonderful way to start my Thursday!
Love, Cathy & her quads
I love your heart and your soul. You are such a beautiful person inside and out.
I had to laugh at the remote story... you KNOW I SOOOO would have fallen for that one too.
I don't think that picture of Sophia and Cohen could be any more adorable. OMG.. MELT ME!!!
I love you so much.. you inspire me everyday!
What a wonderful post! I would have been that gulliable too.
You're post as always, is inspiring for today, very timely for me!
And ditto what Gen said about Sophia Cohen....adorable!!!
This is wonderful and just what I need. HLove the photo!
i'm SO blessed to have you in my life, mare-re-dawn! love the way you live life.
thinking about those precious kiddos and their bday on saturday!!!!
Excellent advice! Great post. Thanks.
Great Post! Looking forward to more Thursday's Truths, if you get a button made, let me know, I would love to put it on my page! That picture is precious!!!
I really love this, especially since I am studying Ephesians in a Bible study right now. :)
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday goerlich cuties!!!!!!!!! we love you all SOOOOOOOO dang much!!!!
I love reading your entries; they are so inspiring. I look forward to seeing a different bible verse every Thursday! Thanks so much for sharing!
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