We're here in the heartland of America, enjoying some cooler weather (yet only a couple of degrees cooler this past week) and playing with our four older cousins.
We are having such a blast! So far we have been to 2 splash pads and 1 pool, attended story time at the local library,
gone skinny slipping (I think Noah was the only one who actually went down the slip-n-slide in the buff), caught tadpoles in the pond,
took over the Children's Museum, went on a nature walk and climbed some rocks, picked strawberries or really ate strawberries from a strawberry patch,
had our first DQ cone and attended 2 parades with one more on the books for next week!
I'm pretty sure there's more but I'm so tired I can barely remember what we did just a day ago and without Daddy we have limited photos to document our activities. Speaking of Daddy, we miss him terribly and can't wait for him to come back up here so we can drag him along on all of our adventures and actually get some proof we were there!
Hope you are enjoying your summer and your family as much as we are!
Sending our love,
Mari, Cohen, Noah, Finn & Sophia