I turned on KSBJ this morning to see if I could catch the song again. Still, nothing. I put the kids down for a nap, had my quiet time with God, got the kids back up and started the next playtime. This playtime was rough. Cohen was screaming crying and bit me twice (nice teeth imprints to prove it), Finn has been battling some kind of stomach bug, just one thing after the next. It's in these moments that my patience is running thin, my words are not so soft and my frustration level is fuming. I decide to start lunch for distraction. I have 3 little ones placed in their chairs when I look around for Finn. Just as I call to him, I see him sitting next to the stereo and he cranks up the volume - which I immediately react to in a very unpleasant tone. But just as I'm about to reprimand him further, I hear the intro to the song that I had been so desperately searching for. And as I listen, I see Finn innocently sitting there swaying side to side to the beat. I stopped and the tears started. It was a moment I hope to never forget. God is by my side all of the time, I just have to trust Him and turn my volume down while cranking His up!
Here's The Song Courtesy of YouTube
And Just So You Can Get Your Baby Fix
A Pic Of the Boys' New Hairdos (Finn thinks it should be called a Hairdon't)

I have never heard that song...thanks for sharing. It touched my heart as well. We all need to remember that God is by our side always. Thanks for sharing it with us and for sharing your heart.
A sister in Christ,
One of my co-worker calls it "getting Jesus bumps" - a moment when God speaks to you, when it is least expected but most needed. I love it when God does that, especially when I am in one of my rebellious child moments! Tell Finn I think the do's make them look very grown-up! Love to all of you!
I LOVE You!!! Jenn
never heard the song...but wow! It is amazing! I love it!
I got tears reading that. This reminded me of what we are studying in Bible Study in Tune In. This song is one of my faves on KSBJ actually... Big hugs, have a great weekend!
I had almost the exact same thing happen to me, expect it was a Mercy Me song. I was in the Christian book store and heard it,drove me crazy because I could not remember the name, and then heard it again by "accident." Loved the story and your blog, also.
I have never heard that song, but I am definitely adding that to my Itunes!! Thank you for sharing your awesome moment with us and I loved your last statement, if we could all learn to do that, we would be golden! :)
Thanks Mari I needed that song. Amber has been in the hospital for going on 2 weeks. She starts having seizures every night. She has had over 75 in 2 hours. Your song helped me.
Mari, I respect you for your openness and honesty, willingness and vulnerability to always share your journey with us. I have had some of those God moments and while the intensity wanes, the memory is always there - and I know it will always be there for you too. Thanks for the baby fix - I love looking at those little munchkins. Debbie
I think this is my favorite post EVER!
Love you Mari.
A wonderful post! This song is just what I needed:o!!! What a sweet post!!!
beautiful song - I needed that today - thank you!
Barb Phoenix
What a wonderful post!
I just have to say that Finn's picture looks like one of the Steece boys! I can't get over it. I had to think about which blog I was reading!
Thanks for a great blog!
I can't believe I hadn't hear that song! It is incredible! Thank you so much for sharing.
I absolutely LOVE Finn in that picture! So funny.
Goose Bumps! God is good ... and I love it when he speaks to us through children!! :)
Thanks for sharing this story!!
Great song! That happened to me once, and sometimes on KSBJ if you can get there quick enough, they have a list of previously played songs. If you can't, I've emailed the DJ on air, and they quickly helped me figure it out! :)
I found your blog through Suz's. I have followed it for months and months but don't think I have ever commented. Thank you so much for sharing that video. I am just like you in that songs and lyrics really have an impact on me. I needed that song at this moment in my life, along with so many others I'm sure. You have no idea how many people you are touched through your blog. I can't imagine how challenging it is being a mom of 4 precious children. Don't fight when God's trying to help you through those times as the song says. You are doing a wonderful job. God bless you :)
God is so so awesome, Thanks for continuing showing Gods blessings on your blog. The quads are getting so big. This is Patti Glass's sister-in-law I enjoy your blog so very much. My Grandson is just a little younger than the quads. Marcia
Very cool song. His hands are holding you and your sweet little babies, sometimes we just need to be reminded (as bad as that is) that God is always "by our side". I so needed that song. You are so awesome, what a great post.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and this beautiful song. I love following your family and appreciate the reminder that God is always by our side!
Ok I googled the band because I LOVED the song & guess what?! They are from where I live! We have a street with the same name & never put the two together. Where have I been!? Just wanted to share! Cathy
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