I was reading a wonderful book recommended by a
dear friend called
"Sacred Parenting" and I related completely with his chapter on "The Hardest Hurt of All." It was truly eye-opening for me. One of the things that has been very difficult about being a quad mom, more specifically, a mom to preemies was that I had to helplessly endure the pain of watching my little ones suffer from day one. They struggled to breathe, struggled to eat, to keep warm. It was heart-wrenching and every part of me wanted to gather those babies close and run away from all of the wires, tubes, monitors, hospital staff and protect them in my arms. But, of course I would never have actually done that because they would have had no chance at a normal, healthy life if I did.
So, why am I doing it now? Why do I, as a mom, try to protect my child from everything that might harm them? Run to be sure they don't fall when it might mean they take a stronger step next time? Or shield a slap to the face from a brother when taking the sting from a sibling could have taught him not to selfishly pull away a toy? It's horrible to watch some of these things happen, but I am pretty sure that it's harder for me to endure than them. And even more, if I don't get used to letting them make mistakes, take some falls, am I prohibiting their chance to build character and spirit? I've realized that suffering is part of parenting and I'm going to have to get used to watching my children hurt from time to time, knowing that they have a much better chance at becoming wonderful, faithful children who will walk with God if they are allowed to fall. But, oh, how it hurts my heart to hear them cry!
Finn Doesn't Fancy The Feel of the Grass

Noah Happily Wearing His Dinner While Sophia Checks for Leftovers

Sophia's Observation Tower

Cohen Starts Soccer Practice