We're back from the beach and still dreaming of the island lifestyle - less the hurricane Gustav threats, that is. Our friends Jenn, Jason & Ansley from Austin met us down in Galveston and we stayed at a beach house together on the west end of the island. Here's a photo recap of some of the things that we did.
Clung To Our Babies At the Beach
(so they wouldn't eat sand, shells, seaweed or the saltwater - yes, they tried it all!)

Ate Birthday Cupcakes Al Fresco at Sunrise (easy cleanup with the hose!)

Recruited Some Awesome UTMB Students to Babysit so the Parents Could Enjoy the Beach & Dinner Out!

Enjoyed a Quiet Sunset at the Waterman Restaurant

I am glad y'all had a good time and were able to get out for a "date". Love the pics.
You guys take the best pictures. I'd love to be one of the kids looking back on them someday. You create such wonderful memories. Glad you're safe in Galveston!
awww so cute!!! love the first pic of you guys...glad you had a great time in galveston. miss you MUCHOS!
Lets go back...
LOVE the first picture of all you guys. Glad you guys had lots of fun and recruited students to watch kiddos while going to dinner!
So happy you had a fun weekend plus got a little "adult" time! Cohen, Finn, Noah, and Sophia - it looks like you enjoyed your birthday beach celebration in every way. Keep growing strong and exploring your world-Much love.
"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever!" 2 Peter 3:18
What a great weekend! For the kiddos and you guys! How fun.
Mari, love the pic of you guys on the beach...looks like to much fun! Thanks for your thoughts for Jenn, I'll make sure she knows that the great state of Texas has her covered with prayers! Thanks too for the encouragement you've given her since this journey started...you have always been so kind to her and it doesn't go unnoticed!
Grammie Bear (King Quads)
We have loved watching the quads grow over the year. Thanks for taking us along on all the fun! Ian's absolute favorite video is still "At the park with Jazz". We have to watch it at least 2 - 3 times every time we check out the blog together. May God continue to bless your family, guide you as parents and fill you with the love of Christ.
Michele Snow
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