It has been a while but we're back! As you have seen, we are now feeding Cohen, Finn & Sophia a small bit of oatmeal everyday to help them get used to the idea of a spoon (yes, this was Dr. recommended). We started with oatmeal because Sophia has some plumbing issues. We have to give her prune juice in her formula which I find more embarrassing to buy prune juice than when I'm sent to get tampons. Check out the latest production about our feeding frenzy at
Gotta love this one
Sophia found Thumbkin
People often ask "how many diapers do you go through?" Well, we did some rough math and since we've had all 4 babies home (11/9/2007) we have:
changed 2254 diapers
made 1712 bottles
drank 515 cups of coffee
Cohen is so happy with his new comb-over
These numbers might look pretty impressive, but what is most amazing is that we have spent $0 doing all of this!!!! We have been so blessed with gifts and formula provided by Similac and Enfamil!
Neked Boys
It is cool to see how the babies develop so quickly. Cohen, Finn & Sophia are all rolling over onto their tummies. We can only assume that they are practicing these gymnastic feats during their naptimes, since they aren't always sleeping. Cohen has really started to find his voice and is sounding out all kinds of things; sometimes he will do this for a full hour during playtime. It is also fun now that they are really more interactive, smiling and cooing, and reaching for things. I'm sure I'll come home from work and Mari will have the "Mom cut":(
Noah is really picking up the pace. He wowed Dr. Quiros and staff at his last MD visit with his double chin. His coloring has faded from the lovely "Simpsons yellow" to a more normal hue. He has finally reached double digits, now weighing 10lbs 2 oz!
Noah looks good with cheeks
I've seen a few of my friends in this same position
We are so excited to have Mari's parents back in town next weekend and they'll be staying for a little over a week. We are even more excited because Mari and I will take our first out of town trip without the babies while Grandma and Papa take over.
Congratulations Robbie & Casey Gerwer on the arrival of their quads!! Please pray for them as they enter the scary NICU days and check out their blog - they have pictures and the video of their delivery posted -